Sunday, February 28, 2010

Reading List

It is complete! Sort of. After asking for suggestions from a bunch of my friends, consulting a random professor's list and going over my own course work from undergrad, I have have made a Reading List. Though saying that it is complete is no more accurate than saying that when you finish reading a book you're done with the story.

So what was the purpose of this list? When I first started compiling the list, it was because I was experiencing a longing for academia. I go through bouts of this, where every once-in-a-while I realize just how much I miss the environment of learning I had experienced when I was pursuing my undergrad. Perhaps it was brought on by my most recent reading endeavor. So, with my goal of this blog in mind, I began searching for a reading list, and found one a professor from Rutgers had posted. But not wanting to solely go with some canonical books, I started asking friends to add on. Any fiction, poetry or nonfiction that they felt would be worth giving a chance. Then with a lot of formatting later (Excel does not translate easily onto Blogger), and the addition of the new Pages widget, the list is now online.

Are the books on this list the only ones I'll be reading? No. I'd be lying if I said that I believed that I could stick to this list and these books alone. Someone will suggest something new, I'll hear buzz about some new release, or re-release, and I'll deviate. Though as far as I'm concerned, it won't be deviating as much as it will be adding on. The list is not something there to restrict myself by, but to provide some guidance along the way. My plan is that I'll link the books on the list to whatever entries I write about them. And of course, I'll add on whatever new book or authors I do read. However, my starting point will be to start off with this list. I began this wanting to add some more "serious" literature in my life, and I won't be losing sight of that goal. But time has taught me, to quote a friend, "sometimes you need a little listless reading in your life."

Feel free to look through the list and suggest anything else you think I should add.

1 comment:

  1. You should deviate to read the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. It is good fantasy I say!
